Andrea Brady: What’s this fork doing? Early Works shows Alice Notley feeling her way past the do…
Lire la suiteTable of contents Table of contents from London Review of Books Vol. 45 No. 17 (Friday 25 August…
Lire la suiteSurreal Chronicles of History in “The Light at the End of the World” I n a world where facts hav…
Lire la suiteFamily Secrets and Footnotes in “Happiness Falls” A ngie Kim’s second novel, Happiness Falls , …
Lire la suiteLaToya Watkins Explores the Sweat, Love, and Lies of Texas in “Holler, Child: Stories” L aToya W…
Lire la suite“Bet” on Red Clay Suzie, a Novel Rooted in Truth I n the best stories, it’s the voice that grabs…
Lire la suiteBanned Books in the South R eading is more than a leisurely pastime. Books allow readers to slip…
Lire la suiteRobert Maynor on Everyday Stories, Owls, and “The Big Game Is Every Night” Robert Maynor is from…
Lire la suiteA Protest Artist, a Klansman, and a Reckoning with Race I n the pantheon of Grit Lit authors, it…
Lire la suiteRacism and Deadly Reparations in Stephen Kearse’s “Liquid Snakes” A string of sensational suici…
Lire la suiteBeat the Heat with the Hilarity that is “Swamp Story” W hat I want in a summer book is one that …
Lire la suiteBooks to Celebrate in August 2023 I t’s school supply shopping season — the very best time of ye…
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